We supply environmental monitors for data collection. Systems are solar powered and have remote control telemetry.

Do you need to collect environment data remotely? We can provide integrated testing solutions to meet client requirements.

We format complex data into easy to read files. Remote monitoring and data analysing made easy with Environmental Test Solutions.
Remote Power Supply
Need a remote controlled environmental monitoring station powered by solar, battery or mains? Stations can be connected using the mobile phone network, a satellite solution or by radio connection depending on client requirements.
Data Presentation and Reporting
ETS can provide regular ongoing reports or provide data access for environmental monitoring analysis. Contact us today to find out more.

- Rental/Sale Equipment
- Construction Dust Monitoring
- Equipment Repairs
- Potable Water Testing
- Silica in Air Testing
ETS is routinely approached by various professional groups to provide rental or sale equipment for environmental and scientific testing. Some of this equipment comes from our own fleet and if necessary some is cross-hired from other suppliers. The main goal for ETS is, wherever possible, to find you the equipment you need when you need it or to provide you advice on the possible solution you may need in order to keep your project moving. For information on what equipment is available or to request a pricelist; email us at sales@envts.com.au
ETS can supply dust monitors for construction and demolition works. Systems are solar powered and have remote control telemetry, contact us for details on sales@envts.com.au
ETS can undertake repairs of your testing equipment or organise return to the manufacturer in your behalf. We offer a free assessment, up to an hour, followed by a quote. Send requests to sales@envts.com.au
ETS is employed by many public health instituitions to routinely sample their tap water systems and organise NATA accredited analysis at a laboratory. If you require a microbiological test or want details on another analysis, please send an email to sales@envts.com.au
ETS is routinely employed to assist clients test for silica and respirable dust during concrete works. We provide the site equipment plus installation - then liase with a laboratory to do the analysis in behalf of the client..
Remote Dust Monitoring
Environmental Test Services is an independent technical service providing environmental monitoring, equipment supply and installation services. Our unique mix of skills enables clients to achieve success with their developments under, on and above the ground.
By blending Science, Environment and Technology we endeavour to provide the most cost effective technological solution to your environmental monitoring need.
Remote Telemetry
Our air monitoring equipment and systems have many applications from compliance requirements to detailed assessments from industrial, commercial, construction or other activities. All data can be access via remote telemetry. Air quality testing, air sampling, water sampling, weather analysis, just to name a few. Dust monitoring provides us with samples that may be used for forensic analysis or for data collection and reporting.
Contact us today
Contact us for a quote or advice. We’d love to hear from you!
billing: P.O. Box 2564 Warwick, Western Australia 6024
phone: +61 (0) 9344 7831
office: Unit 18, 257 Balcatta Road, Balcatta, Western Australia 6021 email: sales@envts.com.au
Opening times : Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 4.30pm
Environmental Test Solutions
Directly behind the containers for change building.